There are some people in my life, some family, some friends, with whom I have such easy communication access. We call each other and keep each other informed and we try out new ideas and talk our heads off. This is what keeps me alive. We do not keep count on whose turn it is to pick up the phone or text or e-mail. With these people sometimes it is weeks between communications, but we know we'll hear from one another.
And there are others I love who never seem to pick up their end. I wonder if I should just let this or that connection dangle? I wonder if they would ever connect with me again? But I could never just let that connection shrivel.
In the long life I have lived I have had many many friends of convenience and time, and they were dear and important to me and I treasured their friendship. But they and I have moved on in time and place. (I do not want to go to class reunions!)
Old people such as I (seventy-one!) know that our fifteen minutes of fame are over, and we have been invisible for a long time. (unless we give money!)
I know that so many young people for whom I have made quilts and time still think of me and have their time here with us as important memories. That is enough and a satisfaction.
We and the close couple- friends we have would love to have our children keep us in their loop. We have tried to raise independent children, and for long stretches they do not communicate with us at all! I think about this. Our own kids are like popcorn. For a time one or the other or the other keep us informed. Then, nothing. I hesitate to call or communicate because they are busy.
Hard to be connected and we must all work at it. Friendship and communication is not easy but we must always keep trying.