August 4, 2006
When we got up today and were ready to go for our morning walk a mile or so up the road to get the newspaper, Nick appeared, then Pablo. They all wanted to go along with Lola, our miniature dashchund. Nick was eager to try out a pedometer I lent him. Along the way we saw some deer and an oppossum, many tracks of the nocturnal critters who move along the sandy road.
This has become our routine, a basic exercise walk we have to take if we want to read the papers. Then breakfast with all the boys. Diego, the oldest grandson was up when we returned, softly playing a Bach tune on the piano. Another hot day is in progress so I must get the water going on the flower beds. Hopefully it will rain before night.
The boys are all busy this morning renovating and adding to an old doll house left over from our now grown up daughter. They are preparing this jazzy new abode for the littlest grandsons who will be visiting in a few days and love to play with their tiny action figures.
There is so much to do in these lazy hot August days of a Florida summer.
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