O.K. I can deal with "Eye Wrack" and "Eye ran". But I cannot deal with more years of "Newcular". We've been there too long. Gov. Palin was just pitiful last night. Certainly, she did have energy, and certainly she is beautiful and buff. But, that said, this woman has no business being a heartbeat away from the presidency. And this is clear to anyone with even one clicking brain cell.
A few columnists and editorials in major newspapers have questioned her preparedness and knowledge, and many have refuted her claims of this fact or that. The thing is, Sarah Palin just doesn't know squat about presidential politics or history or science or anything else. What she does know is that the base of the Republican ticket wants celebrity, emotion, snarkiness, and a lot of references to god stuff and the lowest common denominator of American culture.
As a woman who came up in the seventies, determined that our daughters would have every opportunity, I was deeply offended that she played the "Mom card" so inappropriately. Yeah, we are all soccer moms, or have been. Now, there are even soccer dads! Yeah, we all have been in those shoes. But right now, we need someone who gets the nuances, has done the study, and had the experience. We don't really want or need to have a vice president (or god forbid, a president) whose experience and expertise is so constricted. The emperor has no clothes on. We all need to speak up.
Enough on that. The last couple of days have been glorious- cool to cold in the early mornings and verging on hot in the middle of the day. We Floridians all comment on the wonderful weather. Yesterday I bought myself a new bike, a cool powder blue old lady type cruiser. I am loving it as I pedal along the dirt roads enjoying the sights and sounds of the country. As I swish by in front of the house I see the giant mutant cosmos in full throat, covered with butterflies, and then I pedal on by the cattle pens and around the pond. I can already feel my thighs protesting so I slow to watch the sand hill cranes squabbling in the pasture.
The vegetable garden is producing huge quantities of lettuces and herbs. My small grandson, Quincy, planted a row of beans when he was here over the weekend and I see that they are poking up. The grasshoppers have been eating the chard so I put major effort into screening the chard beds. The cardinals and grosbeaks crab at me for doing this. The hummingbirds have gone back to Mexico as have the chimney swifts. At dawn we hear the migratory whipporwills, in contest with the resident barred owls. The huge golden orb weaver spiders who festoon our porches are almost at the end of their ropes, so to speak. They are plastering their egg sacks to the eaves, in readiness for the spring. These ladies are tired, their webs look disheveled and ragged and they are ready to hang it up come the first really cold spell. We hear the coyotes howling most nights and when we are in bed and close to sleep we hear the small scufflings of nocturnal creatures outside.
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