Sunday, February 21, 2010

Staying current!

Glen Beck said the other day that he thinks that America is still in the morning, and that may be true. I am discouraged, however. One looks back in history and there have been times similar to these we are in.

Last evening we had a couple of young people here who walked with us out into the property- the swamp and the forest and the fields. They stayed for supper and all the time they talked and talked about what they were doing. They are Vista workers, now attached to Habitat for Humanity. Their main work is uncovering the history of African American cemeteries in our locale. Nia is black, Dave is white. For so long our community never acknowledged the presence of African Americans, and these two people are researching what happened to the families who are buried without tombstones.

Our local museum has since its beginning ignored the history of blacks and hispanics in our community. This is just a small issue to all the small historic preservations across the south but emblematic of where we are now in the 'morning of America'.

The young woman, such an idealistic American, wonders if the place we are in with such a lack of drive in Congress, such partisan bitterness, is really just a new reiteration of racial discrimination.

Her words discourage me, and yet, I cannot think of a better explanation for how so many members of congress just say NO to anything Obama.

Discouraged as I am in the so-called morning in America, I do love the clear skies and the warmth of the sun on my shoulders as I put in the spring garden and tenderly plant the cucumbers and peas and carrots and lettuce and hope for the best for the potatoes.

Sometimes I think that I should never pay attention to this partisan crap from Congress and just love the swamp and the potential of spring vegetables.

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