Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Privacy and the wikileaks

I am following the wiki leaks stories in the papers and on NPR. There is such a voluminous amount of stuff and no sensible person could read it all. Actually, does it really matter?
I think about how the young people I know have to share everything every minute on their smart phones and other digital devices. It is the age of sharing every moment and there is so much data going back and forth(I am in this store, what do you think about buying this broccoli and where are you right this minute right now?)
In this age if you want to have any privacy you can think that there is so much data out there that in the sheer voluminous of it, you are anonymous. Actually, do you think that your parents would have the commitment to the drudgery of checking all those texts?
We live in a world of sharing every little thing thanks to the cell phone and instant computer communication. But I do believe that there are eyes out there watching us. Google Street view is creepy, I know that every transaction I make in a store is forever filmed. I take some comfort in the fact that anachronistically we live far away from civilization but I know that the fences are breached by Florida State vehicles because our land is in the public domain.
I have always been amazed as political scandals play out that the players just wrote on e mail or some other public connection about their actions. Doesn't anyone know that the only security is in face to face communication while in a walk in the woods? If you have such a huge data base for sharing information as the U.S. has had, it was bound to be breached. Probably not such a bad idea.
Believe in this day and age that everything you do is being watched by someone. So get those skeletons out of your closet. They will come back to haunt you.

1 comment:

  1. Well I agree with you that the more data you have the more likely the chances that there will be a security breach. I also think that perhaps it's a wake up call for governments to be more transparent.

    greetings from Barcelona.

