This is why we volunteer. Here are my second graders in full size along the wall to the cafeteria. Today I brought in many rolls of craft paper, petrmanent markers and paints. The kids lay down on the paper and their teacher and I drew around them with markers. They were incredibly still as we tenderly went around their bodies and paid such attention to each child. Then they began to fill in the det
ails and paint in the large color blocks.
We had to mix colors. What is flesh color, actually? So we are comparing our arms. Xavier, who is Jamaican, is the same color as I am. Who would think? Elissa, in those red stripes, is really fair and she is involved in painting in all her freckles. So we mix up a number of shades of brown and everyone is satisfied. Those kids worked for a full two hours on this project.
As we finished each one we toted them to the wall outside the cafeteria where we hung them to everyone's satisfaction. We had to traipse through several classrooms on the way. (This is one of those horrid 'no-walls' schools), and the kids in the other rooms always looked up longingly wishing they could do this too.
I come into this particular class of second graders for a long afternoon once a week. I bring everything I need (art materials, science stuff, paper goods, a watermelon and a knife.) I am constantly amazed that there are no materials whatsoever that kids need here. (except FCAT booklets). One could not find a roll of paper towels, and there is no soap in the dispenser and the paper towel dispenser is empty. The so-called supply closet is a jumble of discards from FCAT. The tape dispenser is empty, no staplers, no scissors etc. So I bring everything I might need.
I must say that this gig is very affirming to me. I love those kids and they love me. We always have a great time and produce amazing artifacts. Time flies and before we know it it is time to clean up and get ready for dismissal.
A couple of weeks ago I told the kids that I was going to have an 'art camp' for five Saturdays during the summer at my house-for free! Swimming and art projects. Here's the form, sign up, first come first served. All you do is get there. I had envisioned only having fifteen kids at most. The entire girl scout troop signed up, six second graders, and all the middle school boys from my math group at the boys and girls club have signed on the be 'counsellors'. Plus some others who heard on the grapevine. Suddenly, moms have called to say they will be glad to provide transportation, help cook lunch, be the phone tree, etc. My husband is on board to mastermind lunch of p and j sandwiches and monitor the pool.
I think that partly this is because the kids have such a great time on my volunteer gig, and partly because I am inviting in Spanish
I don't quite know how to handle this! Certainly I have an excess of art/craft/science ideas. How many kids can we handle? The sign up list grows, and apparently it is the thing to do!
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