Saturday, December 29, 2012

New Kind of Christmas

They are wearing matching Christmas suits! Silvio, eleven, is so loving with his twin brother and sister.

It was a different kind of Christmas for us, not being at home.

We flew a thousand miles to be with our son's family. We had six of our eight grand kids there. The twins had a wonderful time eating the wrapping paper and tumbling around from arms to arms, crawling like mad from room to room and cruising along on the furniture. They are that delicious age of nine months, plump and cute, just starting to speak, so curious and accepting of everything.

The twins' three brothers were there, amazing young adults and Silvio the eleven year old. Their cousin Quincy, eight, rounded out the grandchild contingent.

What really delighted me was observing how my son and his wife took so naturally to the noisy hubub of managing this family of five kids ranging in age from nine months to nineteen years old, and a huge number of family and friends who came on Christmas.

Our son has the wonderful capacity of being able to work full bore in a very responsible position in state government, and then, when he is off, he's Dad. He makes his life for his family fun and warm. He cooked a huge Christmas dinner for thirty and seemed to love every minute of it. When the babies needed anything, he was there for changing or feeding or reading them a story.

I loved how he and his wife have such a natural rhythm for getting stuff done, paying attention to each other and to the kids. My daughter-in-law is just the best! I love how she is easy and accepting. And I love her style of making sure those twins eat only organic and home made food, no fake stuff in their environment. But she's not shrill about this. She just does it. She clearly loves this part of life when she's majorly on duty as the Mom. And anyone can clearly see that these twins, who were quite premature, are thriving like crazy.

Someday, probably soon, this woman will go back to working full time at an outside job, and I know she'll have a huge array of help to do it.

It was a wonderful Christmas, very interesting. And I am still enjoying the chocolates!

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