Our daughter and my husband's sister and our wonderful grandson are gay. The daughters of a great friend are lesbian, as are so many others I know. Strange to be singling them out, because these folks are just people I love. But right now, I celebrate the Supreme Court decision.
We straight people never really thought about how difficult life is for the GLTB folks. (They were in the closet.) We thought how liberal we were to accept the 'coming out'. But we never really knew the depths of it, the cussed inequality of the life they lead, and the everyday issues to deal with.
In fact, we never thought about this issue at all! Our daughter went through all kinds of legal stuff to have her child adopted. She has wrestled with health insurance, taxes and so much more. For this wonderful little family, having the shelter of federal laws will be great. Unfortunately, living in Florida, those American laws will be hard to come by.
I believe that the outspoken tea party representatives in Congress and the evangelical preachers are spitting in the wind. Many, of course, are denying their own problems on the scale of sexuality. Many have never chosen to know that they have many gay and lesbian family, friends and acquaintances. When they acknowledge this, they soon come to realize that this is indeed not catastrophic. So, welcome your gay son or lesbian daughter, or even your transgender child. These are our people, in our families and in our communities. They deserve complete equality, and they are just like all of us - just people who are as able as any to raise a family and be a part of your community.
I rejoice this week to think that a substantial portion of Americans will be able to have all the freedoms and justice that everyone has.
And, now, on to the immigration overhaul!
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