The vegetable beds are bursting with sparkling greens and lettuces and broccoli and it all keeps us eating well.
We have had a few cool nights, some rain, so everything in the vegetable and flower gardens is happy and growing despite the shorter days.

The flower gardens are evolving as well. The orchids are mostly in full bloom on the pool deck and the native orange shrimp plants are just getting into full throttle by the screen porch.
Up north where folks are battling below zero weather, ice storms and such, they do not have to think about their gardens! All is silent and dormant there.
But here, we have continuous garden activity, ever changing and always needing something.
This place is amazingly beautiful in all seasons - so lush during the summer rains and heat, and now just at neutral. We always expect a freeze or two here in central Florida, but so far it has not happened and the pastures are still green. Red bud trees are beginning to flower and we are seeing flocks of redwing blackbirds and robins. Every night there are at least a dozen tree frogs on our bathroom window.
The alligators and turtles in the pond are basking in mid day and the reptile world is everywhere.
After a two week period of major family visits and incredible happiness to see them all, I am content to hunker down on my beloved land.
Happy New Year to you all!
Better put plastic on the garden tonight: Canada's revenge is striking all of us, I think.