We've had some chilly mornings with frost on the ground. I go out and hear the crunch underfoot as I make my rounds of the gardens. The days are getting a bit longer and I see new buds and signs of life on the shrubs and trees. The plum tree is in bloom and the pastures have the glow of spring green. The wrens are in full cry, calling their mates and getting busy with the nesting. Bob and Emily, our resident sandhill cranes, are renewing their vows very noisily and with dance steps worthy of a TV show. The cardinals are picking off the last of the beauty berries, and the buds of the azaleas promise to amaze us soon. I have lots of lettuces, broccoli and collards that survived the frosts. At the weekend, my grandson, Quincy, will help plant the seed potatoes that are now sprouting and turning bronze on the porch. We'll put in a couple of rows of onions as well.
This little guy is such a determined gardener! He gets out his trowel and applies the compost very faithfully to each plant. Like his mom at that age, he sticks out his tongue in concentration, thoroughly involved at the task at hand.

I am totally happy here! I love the change of seasons and how different the landscape is from month to month. We have been walking in the afternoons these brilliant days. We crisscross our land on trails, never making the same walk. There is always something new to see. Lola, our small wiener dog loves these walks, the sniffs of the fields, and being with her people.
Still thinking about keeping chickens!
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