Maria has been a good friend for decades. I met her through her daughter who was one of my students. Then, Maria took on a job at the newspaper where my husband worked. Through the years Maria was a close friend to both of us. Our history goes way back.
One June shortly before 9/11 we decided to take a vacation in Italy together with my brother and sister and their spouses. We wanted Maria and Jay to come too. It was a fabulous time in Tuscany for all of us.. Maria and Jay, her husband, were enfolded seamlessly into our family, and the idea began in my mind. My biological sister and I live thousands of miles apart, but that is nothing to us. We call each other and visit each other when we can. Women need sisters! Maria needs a sister, (she is an only child) and I could do with more than one.
So, at some moment, we agreed that Maria and I would be sisters. This is an adoption from the heart and will last until I die. Maria has taken on the emotional burden of being in our family, and I care about her daughter and grandchildren. I never see Maria's grandchildren because they never visit, but I hear from them and love them in absentia. Maria sees our grandchildren who visit here from far-flung locales. But she is definitely on board for our local grandson, Quincy. Our holidays and family times always include Maria and Uncle Jay. Even when we are not there the local family gets together.
I have many friends, some who probably know me better that Maria does (or my biological sister,Irene, either). And, in many instances, I connect with close friends for that non-family reference. But, when it comes down to the low and dirty of family issues, I call upon my sisters. Irene would do anything for me.
Maria will always pick me up at the airport at 3 a.m. She'll spell me for a babysitting gig for Quincy. She knows just what to give me for a gift (that incredible butterfly book). I know she'll always be there when I need her!
Maria and Irene are the most intelligent persons I know. (Really!) Maria has rare insights about people and issues, books and ideas. She is so accomplished professionally, I am in awe. I cannot believe my good fortune in having two sisters, both so amazing!
As the New Year begins, I rejoice anew at having two sisters and two brothers. The last year had its hard times for us. Our siblings, Andy's and mine- Irene, Brooks, Maria, Nancy and Claire have been so supportive. Get more siblings! You can never have enough.
Happy New Year to all you who may read this blog! Stay tuned. This year, we may possibly see our country take a turn for the better.
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