Thursday, January 27, 2011


Alex is one of my oldest youngest friends. I have known her since kindergarten and now she is in her third year at New College. She is worried about her resume, and what she can do about this for the upcoming summer.

I know Alex, she is a girl under my heart, she is so giving and intelligent and loving. So, this blog is for her. I have made a few suggestions about any number of things she could do, and I am sure she'll land butter side up whatever she decides.

Alex needs to know that a person of her age needn't go to Berlin to make a difference (though travel is incredibly important!) In one's own community there is much to be done, many interesting issues to address.

Today I attended the monthly community organizing meeting at the local school, Lacoochee Elementary. I always find these meetings so affirming. Here are twenty folks or so who come from local organizations, and all of us are trying to make a difference and succeeding!

Alex, you are part of the global youth, and whatever you do, think about what you can do to make this world a better place. Travel, read, write. Get fluent in a language that matters.

These young people are our future. And this is why I and those awesome others keep on doing what we do- volunteering.

1 comment:

  1. I am so impressed with many of our youth. So many are accomplishing wonderful things!!
