I spent this wonderful chilly Monday being purposeful. First, Jane Fonda. Remember her? I am trying to be aggressively constant about exercise so I have these several videos I use every day. There's Jane, so perky, and still lively despite her hip, knee and shoulder replacements (who knows about the face lifts? But, hey, she's still good at seventy!) And on some days I put on my favorite yoga with Haris, and when I'm feeling plodding I just do the strength training with Consumer Reports Health and I get out the leg weights and barbells and listen to Diane Reem(sp?) And for a break I ride my bike up the road and look at the swamp. Each day I am aware of having to put in the 10,000 steps as measured on my pedometer. This isn't hard because I constantly move around the property with gardening, watching birds, taking on the outdoor chores.
Where is all this going? Well, I still weigh the same as I did at twenty. But! It's all distributed differently, mostly gone south. Maybe I'll torture everyone when I'm ninety!
Otherwise, I weeded out the asparagus garden. Soon those delicious spears will appear and I will eat them one by one, nothing left for dinner. I fertilized the roses and cleaned the pool deck. I finished cutting down the old stalks of perennials in the flower gardens. I inspected the vegetable garden and lamented that this was not the day to put in beans - too cold. The potatoes froze a bit but I think there is enough green in them for a come back. Not really enough salad greens for a meal tonight, but the collards are immense! I dread having to thin the carrots. A chore for tomorrow.
I still have 500 steps to go before I go to bed. On such a clear night with a bright gibbous moon I shall walk up the road and hope to see the bobcat.
See! I spent no money today and I am on board about frugal budgets. We must pay attention to the less fortunate among us and be large spirited. This is the American Way. Happy Valentine's Day to all of you.
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