So, we are now into such a crazy place in the campaign. As Maureen Dowd said in her column in the NYT today, are the GOP candidates now actually saying that sex is bad? I don't think that idea will actually fly, considering the hundreds of thousands of years of human history. Just look at any edition of your news.
It does make a kind of weird sense, though. If your political party opposes any kind of safety net or education expenses for kids, opposes parents who may be gay, tramples on womens' rights to judge how many kids they can take care of, maybe just have no sex at all. Could work? Aargh! Where have we come to?
So, back to Quincy (fertility assisted, gay mom). This little guy will be a major player in the world someday. His community loves him and cares for him and gives him models of altruism and competence. His family is colorful and loving.
Of course, I also think of those dark skinned Mexical illegals I know whose kids are just as fabulous as Quincy. And they would be considered even less worthy by our current GOP candidates who think they should be deported, and certainly not have a chance at a college education.
I am thinking of the Romneys sitting down to a Thanksgiving dinner. Would that magnificent table include family and friends of color? Gays? Would some of them be wearing head scarves? Would the feast have to include the dietary needs of everyone? I wonder..
Where will it end? And what is it about getting rid of Obama, the bottom line? What are they thinking? Obama has done brilliantly considering the cards he has been dealt. This guy is smart, humanitarian, able and inclusive. (is it race?)
So, my garden is great. The time I put into it is my meditation. Tonight we ate the first spring broccoli, lettuce to follow. A visiting large dog seemed to chase away the pesky squirrels for now. Got to bate the traps for the oppossums who are eating the oranges. The deer are still a problem, eating the pansies as dessert after the roses. The pastures are now changing to a wonderful green and there are wild dogwoods in bloom in the woods.