What are these cranes telling us? This time of year they are grouping in social (and very loud!)clubs on our property. Scientists are studying them, figuring out their migration and nesting habits. We may come to know the facts about what these elegant birds do. And we will come to know why it is important to protect them.
Scientists, it seems to me, are looking for answers about the why of being on the globe, and beyond.
This is not a 'belief'. It is not a phony religion. Knowledge about our planet and the humans and plants and critters that inhabit it can be known, and we are constantly making progress in our knowledge.
Global warming/climate change: Not a religion and not a belief system. Just look at the facts.
You thought this was not political! Climate change is not a religion, not subject to faith. It's not something to "believe' in. Or not. Just look at the facts. It's happening.
Santorum would be a major disaster. That's all I'm saying.
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