In this last year my husband has lost more than fifty pounds and he is now the handsome guy I fell in love with. I am ten pounds lighter. We have thunder thighs and no wattles on the low sides of our arms. We have energy!
So, here's how we did it. The key thing is aerobic exercise at least five times a week. He has a stationary bike he rides for half an hour, and I do fifty minutes of power walking/bands and weights (Leslie Sansome videos).
We do not count calories or do any kind of structured diet. What we do is cook everything we eat from scratch, even bread. We eat vegetables from our garden, no red meat, small amounts of fish and chicken a few times a week, eggs fresh from a neighbor's flock of chickens. We never eat dessert except for fresh fruit. We eat salad every day and this salad includes, besides all kinds of greens, fruit such as strawberries or oranges or apples, nuts, asparagus, or anything else in the vegetable kingdom. We do not use much salt.
Our dinner is an Event! Every night. The lights are low, candles lit, flowers, nice mats and cloth napkins. Good feng shay. I have even brushed my hair. We do not slap commercial things on the table. No ketchup bottles, no butter tubs, never any plastic.
We used to eat out a lot - banquets, fast food, take-out. Cutting these things out has made us healthy and thin.
Yeah, often I look in the fridge and see nothing (NOTHING!) to snack on. So I will grab a banana and think of the Queen- and how that Irish oatmeal for breakfast didn't last long.
Eating like this is super. I love my chef. Sometimes we have a blow-out meal with friends and we have an amazing dinner with a chocolate souffle for dessert. And this works!
We only really eat one proper meal, dinner. The table is set nicely and we eat and talk our heads off. I am not starving, I love our dinners, and I feel in great shape.
Sounds good and healthy to me!