Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

We have a fairly new t.v and it comes with three remotes, each having forty buttons. We wanted to simply watch a movie- the kind of DVD you just feed into the slot, and I was pissed. Neither of us could make it play. Andy stormed out and went to bed to read his book. I took the opportunity to take the dog out for her evening walk. Suddenly there was a lot of barking, even from this tiny weiner dog. I called her repeatedly and looked out to see a blinking red light where I knew nothing was supposed to be.

"Lola? Lola!, Come!" She obviously had something treed. I went out and discovered a hound with an electronic collar. We brought her inside to the laundry room where I was able to get the phone number from her collar. I called the number and got the owner who said she had been missing for three days and would come pick her up, but he was in Plant City, half an hour away. This guy seemed a bit out of it so I had to repeat my phone number several times before he got it right. He is supposed to call me when he gets to our gate so I can take the dog to him there. Meanwhile I gave the dog water and some kibbles and she seemed friendly and grateful. (My hands now still smell like dog)

This is a scenario we've been through many times before during hunting season. All these lost dogs are lovely and friendly, and well trained. They are always thin and grateful for water and food. I know that some farmers just shoot them or pay no attention,hoping they'll go away. But, as a dog owner, I know I'd want someone to call if they found my dog. So I am waiting for the call at an inconvenient time, and I will put the dog in my car and take her to the gate and her owner.

If I did not like these small adventures of the rural life I would not live here. I enjoyed watching the guys unload many round bales of hay for the cows, and I am fascinated with round-up time when the cowboys on horses with their dogs work the cattle. I love going out at night with my huge flashlight to see alligator eyes in the pond, and I don't really mind sharing the shower with frogs.I love to hear the hiss of deer. I am interested to see what I have caught in traps, though I don't like setting those critters free miles from here. Those opossums have such

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