Friday, February 06, 2009

The Coldest Day Yet!

When I drove out to get the papers this morning it was 21 degrees! Turned on the seat heater and wished there was a steering wheel heater as well. Since we have so many below freezing nights we have not smelled that acrid odor of the first freeze. But this morning I did. I supposed it was the swan song of everything green left. Even the strong vegetables that have indeed 'hardened off' were a bit limp. I read that this is the coldest it has been in ten years. The mounds of hay I put over the vegetable garden really kept most things alive. We'll watch the citrus and hope it isn't as dead as it seems now. My flats of seedlings really need to be put out, but I am going to give them a few more days inside and see if this wonderful warm weather holds.

Ten years ago we were oblivious to everything but work. We were living in that sprawling funky house in south St. Pete, and only came up here on the weekends. When you don't live day to day in a place, you don't understand the rhythms of live there. So I can't remember any freezes.

A new saw was delivered to Andy yesterday. This is the mainstay saw of his workshop, replacing an ancient one that finally gave out. He spent a day happily assembling the thousands of bolts and gismos, then rearranging the various machines he uses in his furniture building. I have a new camera with many amazing features. So both of us are getting acquainted with our new tools. We are helping the economy, I say. But really, each of has carefully researched these tools we need. Our old ones had ceased to function.

Stay tuned for some changes to this blog. I want to include more information and recipes for locally grown food, more links to other stuff, something about books.

Look for robins returning and keep you fingers crossed for great weather.

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