Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Yesterday we were in a wreck. We started out the day on our way to a fine time at Selby Gardens in Sarasota. Before that we needed to let off the dog at our St. Pete apartment.
As we left the interstate my beloved old Honda Accord was smashed into oblivion by a huge Suburban. My husband and I and my brother and his wife and our dog were spared by about six inches from certain death. The suburban ran a red light and then there was that horrible crashing sound we have all known. There was smoke coming from the engine and we all leapt out, grabbing the dog kennel. You all know the scene: cars stopped, people getting out of cars and asking if anyone was hurt, witnesses coming up to give their addresses and phone numbers, cell phones ringing and responding, waiting for the police to record everything. And of course, we were all shaking to think of what a close shave this was for us. The dog, who had been safe in her kennel, thought we had come to a picnic and wanted to be a part of it.
Within minutes my daughter and her partner arrived from different points, full of hugs and practical directives. And then, you all know the scene, we waited for all the taking of Information, and we kept asking each other if they were really o.k. The woman in the vehicle that ran the red light was so distraught! She was not the driver. She told me that she had just completed two surgeries for breast cancer and was now on the way to chemo. Her head was wrapped in a scarf, she was thin and scared. By the time the waiting for the police to get all the details was over, I was hugging this woman and telling her not to be afraid, accidents happen etc. A bad day for all.
The rest of the day is taken up with phone calls to insurance companies on our cell phones that we can't actually hear well on and are so complicated because we, being frugal, have the minimum.. And later, we have a family supper under magnificent oak trees. We are spent and love the care we receive from our daughter and her family and my sister and brother-in-law.
Of course, if I had to do all this myself in a strange place, I could have done it. But, having this amazing family helping us was wonderful.
Today, having lunch with my best friend, who had her own family emergency this week, we spoke about the importance of our wonderful daughters.
When we returned home this evening, the power was out! Aargh!
You just keep on stepping one foot behind the other, pick the salad from the garden and eventually sit down to eat, and rejoice that you are all here, the bats are flying in front of the moon and soon you'll be in bed with the man of your life and the small smooth dog plastered to your leg. I thank my lucky stars for all this.


  1. Sounds like a fun day

  2. Richard Riley5:42 PM

    And then on Saturday you all came and spent two hours cleaning Cummer Road in Lacoochee.

    Thank you so much.
