Tuesday, May 10, 2011

About my Blog

I recently read a profile in The New Yorker of a blogger (Pioneer Woman) who has taken her blog to the stratosphere. So, I am mildly envious, but really, I write this blog because I enjoy saying what is on my mind. I have no particular theme: environment, politics, education, family.. I write on no particular schedule, probably when the internet is up.
Several years ago, just after I retired, I was casting about to see what I could do that interested me. Spent some time flopping about and then wrote a memoir in six weeks. That was a fun project but after it was done I had no interest in book tours, publicity, making money on it.
I thought doing a blog would be interesting, and it has been. I have found a number of people on line I would never have dreamed of! People from far parts of the world, people who knew me from the past. So fun. More interesting than Facebook.
I have learned a lot about privacy issues. You have to walk a fine line between divulging too much or too little. You have to figure out what you want.
A week ago I sent off my hard drive to my daughter who graciously offered to clean up the files I have neglected. And then it occurs to me that this hard drive has all my-?
I think I have been careful to not save sometimes. It's a new age.
Here's a photo of the flowers lining the walk into the back door, what I look at many times each day, a joy.


  1. Rosemarycxy8789:40 PM

    your the best. i love watching all your videos. over and over. wish you were still here makin them. whether your an actor or not there still some of the best videos ive seen
    for more info please visit:
