Sunday, March 03, 2013

So Cold but Spring has Sprung

My neighbor's chickens are laying like crazy so tonight we had a yummy omelet full of Swiss chard from the garden. We hope this will be the last cold snap (I covered the tender potatoes) and everything else will just have to manage overnight.

Today I took collards and a mess of lettuces to my neighbor who appreciates this gift. I also take some tomato and pepper starts to other neighbors I think will grow on these heirloom plants.

Tonight, as always, I gaze into the sky that is quite pristine with no lights from Earth. I can see the constellations and the whole Milky Way, and even a few harbingers of spring- the fireflies.

We live here, way out on the margin of the Green Swamp, nothing toxic, everything perfect in this wildlife corridor. The sand hill cranes elegantly walk the fields, tens of deer cavort at the margins of the pastures, red shouldered hawks scream overhead, and there are dozens of birds on our many feeders. When we awake in our bedroom without curtains or shades and open to the elements, we hear the morning cacophony of the birds and see the hummingbirds zooming fast by the windows.

There is something so magical about experiencing the natural world! Kids who come here understand this and they are enthralled by the ant lions, the yellow rat snake on the porch, the armadillos in the yard, and the sighting of deer across the field. They understand something amazing as they watch the birth of a calf and salute the first wobbly steps.

We are looking forward to the first visit here from our grandchild twins this week. Right now they are too little to remember much, but they'll see the chickens, pick oranges with Grandpa, and ride around the fields in the golf cart. They will go out at night with Grandma and look at the stars.

Life is sweet.

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