Tuesday, May 12, 2015

What I love!

I'm back! I tried Tumblr and it was so gadgety and complex I couldn't spend the time navigating it.

I still find that I want to write about this paradise where I live, and I hope this site will still accept me.

Tonight we are having thunderstorms, most appreciated in the usual spring droughts. I always thank the gods of rain when I do not have to water the gardens for a day or two.

I am not about writing of fashion or aging any more. Tried those, but it's not me.

Today my spouse was not here. When I went outside I noticed that one of our traps had an enormous opossum, and so it was up to me to dispatch him. I chunked the 'have a heart'cage' into the trunk of my car and drove it out several miles close to the state lands where I intended to let him go.

This opossum would NOT go out of the trap! Here we are together in a vast field, and I, this 75 year old woman in shorts and flowered gardening gloves is trying to get him to please turn around and skedaddle. This is a BIG opossum and he is spitting and drooling and hissing and I think he would bite me if I gave him half a chance and I am thinking rabies and stitches and god knows what else.  So, I walk back to the edge of the pasture where I think I could find a sturdy stick. When I return the opossum is still there in the trap and the door is still open. These critters must have very small minds.

Plan B is to poke him from the rear.  The elicits just more snarling and hissing but he doesn't turn around. I turn the trap on its side so that he won't activate the door. But he leans against the activator pad so I must keep on releasing the door anyway. Finally, I realize that this animal is out to thwart me so I just jam the stick into the release mechanism to keep the door open. I leave the trap and the opossum in the middle of the field. I have other plans for the day.

Later, when I went out to retrieve the trap, it was empty.

So often, I think about what an unusual life I lead here in Green Swamp West. A day that includes critter release, so many bird sightings, deer everywhere, and, tonight, millions of fireflies in the palmettos gives me inordinate pleasure.

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