Monday, March 21, 2011

Libya and my family

So, there we are, America again, saving the world, bombing the crap out of..what? Of course we cannot stand by and see this crazy man Gudaffi wrecking his own people and country.
This difficult situation makes me think of issues closer to home, my family. One of our satellite small families is having very difficult times with one of their kids. The rest of us feel obligated and invested to help. So we circle and give advice because we love them so much!
But, as with Libya, we don't know the inner workings of their lives. We can give humanitarian aid, send in forces, and advise. But really, we know that they will be able to deal with these problems because they are there on the ground. If we, the surrounding family were not there, this small and precious family unit would be able to deal with it. I must believe this.
In Libya, we are invested in seeing the spread of democracy as we have seen in so many other near eastern countries since the new year. But these countries are not all alike. I believe that we must hold back for so many reasons. It's so easy, but maybe not wise to be the most competent!
We went to Cedar Key this last weekend and loved exploring by foot and boat the wonderful natural world of spring in central Florida. We are recovering from the amazing cornucopia of fried seafood, glad to be back to our garden full of tender lettuces.

1 comment:

  1. Great site! Indeed the turmoils that are happening in Asia affects all of us...Daniel
