Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Loving Rural America

The folks I see every day are the salt of the earth. Sometimes I see them as fat and ignorant and ill-educated. They are prone to vote for the likes of Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich, if they vote at all. They haven't understood the facts of Obamacare and how much better off they are for it. They just do not want to have to pay for insurance. They do not realize that every tax payer is footing the bill for all the emergency room visits uninsured folks do. They do not really understand conservatism as the GOP defines it. They may have one issue: don't mess with my guns. They don't want government intrusion but they love Medicare and Social Security. Some folks think that intrusive ultra sounds for women going for abortion are o.k.
But these folks are the salt of the earth. As a person who attends many community development meetings and volunteers in a major way, I see these people who are just as dedicated as I am to making a better life for the unfortunate. These people build houses, get infrastructure grants, foster troops of girl and boy scouts, raise money for all kinds of community efforts. They do not talk of politics for the most part. They see a local job to be done and they figure out a way to do it. This humbles me for sure.
But I still haven't a clue about... anyway, we all speak of our gardens. Who, actually has tomatoes ready to pick? Anyone want some collards? Not.

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