Sunday, October 20, 2013

Short Timer

Sunday night and I'd like to watch Sixty Minutes but the football games go on  and on.. I have no time for that. Long ago I decided that my opinion of football (with the concussions and greed), could be not mentioned.

I am a short timer! I want every day and every hour to count! I have no time anymore to sit through meaningless awards ceremonies or banquets. Been there and done that. I would rather be out working in my extensive gardens and walking through the woods to admire the fall wildflowers. I would rather be in a group of kids I can teach and learn from. I would rather be in a conversation with good and old friends. I have never been good at 'hanging out' when folks speak of inanities and sometimes keep checking their phones.

This evening, the dining table had been newly refinished and the coating was still tacky so we ate our wonderful dinner on the screen porch at a table there. We had candles and great food, lots of green beans and lettuce from the garden, and a pork stew with potatoes and carrots. The dog at our feet. And we had great conversation about the news today and family matters. I love every minute of these times we come together. On the screen porch. eating dinner, the birds and the owls were at full throat, and we felt so happy with it all. Such are the pleasures of a long time marriage.

When I was out weeding in the vegetable garden today something stung me on the hand. It hurt, but I paid no attention, but now, my hand has ballooned to twice its normal size. Maybe I am really a short timer! Stay tuned.

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