Sunday, November 05, 2006

Lola in trouble

Our little miniature dachshund, Lola,eight years old, is in trouble tonight. She has retreated to her kennel, her "house" and won't come out. She's in pain, clearly, but she keeps her nose out and her ears perked, still alert to what's going on.

We went on a two week vacation and left her with our daughter, where Lola's been many times before. When there, Lola pals around with a huge and energetic dog. They seem to love each other, despite the size discrepancy.

When we returned there were many dog kisses from Lola, a great reunion doggy-wise. When we got back to our house we realized that Lola seemed reluctant or unable to jump up on the couch or climb stairs and she didn't want to accompany us on walks. When we looked closely, we saw that she was favoring her right rear leg. We thought perhaps that our daughter's huge dog might have stepped on her? Or was Lola just punishing us for having left her for over two weeks? Or what?

All of today I have been on edge about Lola. Is this the end? I keep thinking that she'll be so much better by the afternoon. Will she be a candidate for weiner dog wheels? Tomorrow morning I will take her to the vet of course. She is still very much enjoying meals, a good sign. I keep checking on her, telling her loving words. She looks at me in that trusting open-eyed way our pets do.

Strange, how we connect with our pets. We can cry about them when we cannot cry about our real people.

Lola came to us as a six week old puppy with skin much too big for her body. She's a dappled girl, resembled a small pumpernickel loaf of bread, with one blue eye. From the first, Lola was a people person. On the second night of having her we abandoned the crate for the night. Whining, all she wanted was to be asleep under Andy's chin. She settled down, no comlaints, "now I'm where I meant to be for the night."

This dog is a comedian. She easily got the manners of being housebroken, coming when called, walking on a leash, etc. She isn't a barker, except to let us know when someone is coming. She is such a great companion and takes long walks with us. She loves the ranch and many times I see her out in the pastures stalking armadilloes.

When some family member or friend comes in, Lola wags her pencil tail to say she loves that person. She is our best greeter of guests: when a car drives up, Lola lets us know and then we let her out to say hello and lead our friends in.

Many times when we have been away for awhile, I truly miss our dog! Where is that little warm body in the bed? Where is that small dog wagging her tail when we go by? Where is that funny dog who rolls belly-side up and casts her one blue eye and one brown eye at us? Where is that funny dog who greets us at the door with everything wriggling and gives unconditional love?

We love this dog! She has given us so much pleasure and fun. I cannot imagine life without her.

Stay tuned.

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