Monday, August 27, 2012

After the Rain

We kind of thought there would be a hurricane but we didn't do anything to prepare since the Cone Of Uncertainty was so uncertain. I thought about taking in my favorite orchid which is about to bloom. I thought about taking in the porch furniture.

But what I did was complete the quilt for Quincy. I hunkered down in my studio, watched the rain, and sewed like crazy. This is not one of my all-time favorites. It's a strong quilt for a kid- vibrant colors, simple construction. The top is complete and now I must take it and the batting and backing to the long arm sewing machine lady and she and I will decide what design we'll have.

Amazing stuff during this wild, windy and uncertain weather! The river is rising and rafts of duckweed tumble under the bridge. I have never seen so may deer and turkeys grazing in the pastures. I have noticed that cows lie down in inclement weather.(Yes, they do have a plan!)

I must say that my soul and heart is so filled with the vision of life here in the swamp, it presses eternity.

Tomorrow, if the rains abate, I'll be out in the vegetable garden topping off the planters and maybe planting a few rows of arugula.

So, is Charlie Crist the new Bill Young: what ever party you are from, Bill will help you!

The NYT in the lead editorial today probably said it all (though they missed the iniquities of emigration.) I believe that if any one of these Rebublicans could have the chance to speak with a pregnant fourteen year old girl from a gritty background, or a gifted Mexican illegal boy whose chances at a shot to get educated are nil, or a middle class high school graduate who faces such extreme debt to go to college, or a woman with five kids already who seeks abortion, or a person who doesn't have enough food to feed the family, or a veteran who can't get a job, they might change their minds. It goes on and on.

How mean spirited can they be? So, I finish the quilt for this beloved grandson, and I am thinking all the while that this next generation will be inclusive, generous and thoughtful about making an America that works for everybody.

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