Wednesday, August 29, 2012

News Junkie: Befuddled

In past times I loved these conventions! Think of seeing those outrageous delegations from various states and territories and you were tallying up the number of votes. Exciting!

No more. Everything is scripted, made for T.V., lies, slick, and nothing an ordinary person could really think about and consider. So, no wonder folks just want to tune into some reality show (that is more real than this convention.)

Does anyone really and truly look at the platform? Do people in America really want to be so noninclusive (as this Rebublican platform lays out?) Actually, I do not think we even think about these issues anymore. What's important is how "Loveable" our candidates are. So, Obama is really likeable with his great family and the dog (who never was strapped to the roof of the car). Romney is stiff and rich. Who should care if he has good ideas?

And folks do not really attend to the substantive issues! Can you stand a candidate who signs onto total abortion? Can you stand a candidate who has little investment in environmental issues? Can you stand a candidate who stands for a restrictive and noninclusive immigration program?

Are the economic issues paramount? Do folks really think that it is right and just for the enormously rich to continue to inflate their coffers?

But, what I really think is that this election is about race.

This election can be bought, and maybe it will be. We, in Florida, now see what happened when the governor's election was bought.

The next convention will probably be as t.v.oriented, scripted, over the top, and filled with lies. And, again, no real person could get a grip on what is true and what issues are up there for consideration.

So, I am thinking how magnificent it is to see the gentle rise of our river, the new fawn, and the hundreds of butterflies on the red sage. And I am looking forward to having my grandson, Quincy, here for the long weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:29 PM

    I've had some of the same dispiriting thoughts about the political process.
